How two crews and their dogs on identical catamarans became best buddies
Elaine Bunting
ARC: designer and builder go racing
Builder and designer of the new Pogo 50 fast cruiser are getting a hands-on test across the Atlantic. I think this exciting boat is a stunner
Anatomy of a Southern Ocean storm
The Vendée Globe is about to meet its first Southern Ocean low. Here's what sailors are trying to do and why it could define the winner
ARC fleet shelters from bad weather
With strong headwinds and big seas forecast, most ARC yachts are waiting for a second start on Tuesday
ARC: the bosses are going sailing
The ARC rally is bursting with 230 yachts - and a quarter of them are new. It’s a case of 'have money, will go'
Transatlantic tips: squall strategies
Squalls are the most feared part of tradewinds sailing. Here’s what to expect and some ideas for dealing with them
Vendée Globe: Alex Thomson vilified for race protest
As seven skippers are penalised for breaking collision regulations Alex Thomson is unfairly tarnished for pointing it out
Chinese sailor’s lone circumnavigation
A sailor from Qingdao hopes to be the first Chinese person to sail round the world solo
ARC rally: 20 questions answered
Some of the most asked questions about the ARC and the oddest, including where to get a sperm count
Vendée Globe: Sam’s jury rig
She may be out of the race, but Samantha Davies has stepped a jury rig and is about to sail back home
Vendee Globe: 9 yachts in ColRegs protest
The race committee is protesting skippers who infringed the Cape Finisterre TSS. I explain why I think this is so important
Seasickness cures
In one of the largest ever studies into seasickness, we look at remedies and how well they work
Vendée Globe: catastrophic risks
Serious keel and rig failures have plagued this race, but designers say their suggestions of a solution wasn’t taken up by skippers. "We could have sorted this years ago"
EU plan thwarted
RYA vows to stamp out Dutch MEP's proposal for boat registration, licensing and regular checks
Vendée Globe: cruel luck?
A keel has fallen off, another boat has collided with a fishing boat. I take a look at the complications these skippers may face
Vendée Globe: collision mars start
Bertrand de Broc limps back to port with damage while 19 skippers get a lumpy start on their round-the-world marathon
Vendée Globe: tearful goodbyes
The choking emotion of leaving loved ones sums up the privations and real risks these solo sailors face
IMOCA 60s: A French Revolution?
The solo class has signed over all their commercial rights to a company set up by Britain's Sir Keith Mills. Is a revolution ahead?
Britain’s Sam Davies wins hearts
The only woman racing in the Vendée Globe, Samantha Davies is hugely popular in France. Could she replicate this back home?
Who’ll win the Vendée Globe?
I take a look at the field for the solo round the world race and pick my best bets